Gay male porn star auditions

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MaverickMen has been said to exploit their models. Trading sex for more scenes was rumored to happen at Randy Blue as well. This has been refuted by the heads of Titan. There are stories of some of the old school TitanMen like Ray Dragon and Nick Capra auditioning men.

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The studio owner of Next Door has also been indicated as someone who uses his models for personal enjoyment. Nica Noelle has been accused of trading sexual favors for work. Dink Flamingo reportedly hosted private parties as well. Some of them he released later, but he allegedly has hours of recorded footage that he keeps to himself. Dirk Yates had private rendezvous with his men.

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It is rumored that Jake Cruise's scenes where the second time and that the first was done privately in his home. A few models have insinuated that the debut scenes where Michael Lucas was the first to have sex with them was non-optional. The original owner of Sean Cody allegedly fooled around with the men in the very early days of the website. Dallas Reeves was accused of forcing his models to have sex with him and his husband before providing them work.

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